Awesome Siri Photo Tricks That You Should Try

Whether you use Siri to create and store reminders or you simply use her skills to have intelligent conversations, one thing is absolutely true — Siri is a wise and getting wiser. Apple has been working extensively hard to elevate Siri beyond the likes of Alexa or Cortana. Thus, new features keep getting added to the digital voice assistant. Sometimes, they are added at such frequency that it may be difficult for users to keep up with her. Thus, we present to you some of the hidden tricks that Siri can pull off.

For this portion, we are largely focussing on what Siri can do with your photographs. Here are some awesome Siri photo tricks that you should have tried out, like, yesterday!

Hey Siri, show me photos of <location>

Photographs captured on smartphones also contain EXIF data, which is a set of information associated with the photograph. This includes the location (interestingly, exact GPS coordinates!) of where the photograph was clicked. Thus, if you want to pull up a photograph that you clicked at the Grand Canyon, simply ask Siri to show them to you! You can be as broad as taking a country’s name or as specific as mentioning the nearby park! Just say the command and Siri will show you all the photos taken at that particular location.

Hey Siri, show me photos of <date>

Looking for a photograph that you took on your birthday? With Siri at your disposal, you won’t have to scroll through your entire picture gallery! You may merely ask Siri to show you the photos taken on your date of birth. Much like location, you can give broad or specific commands. You could ask her to show you photos of New Year’s Eve of the previous year or pictures of May 2016 or even all the images taken during the last month.

Hey Siri, show me photos of <people>

Your iPhone photo app groups photos of similar people based on facial recognition parameters. If you have taken out the time to set it up and name the people who have been photographed, then you are in for a big treat! Siri can assist you in finding photos of the friends and family members present in your photo gallery. Look up the photos of the person by their name and Siri will present them all to you. Interestingly, Siri can differentiate between the photographs taken on the front camera and those taken on the rear camera, so you can even ask her to search through your selfies!
Bonus: If you are looking for a very particular photo of a person, you can use a combination of name, location, and date as well. For example, say “Show me photos of Rob and me in Italy” or say “Show me photos of Sam from last month” and watch Siri work her magic.

Hey Siri, show me photos of <object or activities>

Siri is not only helpful in sending photos or people but can also help you with other objects or subjects performing an activity. Say “Show me photos of fruits” or even “Show me photos of cats.” You can even try out “Show me photos of boating” or “Show me photos of cycling.” Much like other photo tricks, you could use a combination of other features like location, date, and face recognition. However, since some activities involve gears that may cover up the face, locating and identifying photos of people would not be as accurate as you may want.
These features are definitely worth getting excited about. So what are you waiting for? Go ahead and test out Siri’s skills!

John Martin is a Microsoft Office expert and has been working in the technical industry since 2002. As a technical expert, Samuel has written technical blogs, manuals, white papers, and reviews for many websites such as